E-School is Opening Soon!

Virtual E-SchoolNews & Events

As an entrepreneur celebrating 32 (YES, 32!) years in business, I am excited and thrilled to be able to offer the knowledge I have gleaned over the years to those of you who need a bit of direction or a LOT of direction. I am here to help YOU get up and running, get your first client and walk with you through the process.

Virtual E-School classes start later this summer. We have a variety of short courses and our trademark in-depth course, Virtual Biz From The Ground Up, which is a comprehensive start-to-finish e-course that covers all aspects of starting your own virtual business.  CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Lifetime access to core course materials and forums allows you to continue to participate in the program FOREVER!

Sign up HERE to be notified of COURSE NEWS and our FREE Virtual Business Webinar Series.